Tuesday, August 30, 2005 |
Vikram Kural 1.9... @
By Whoosh 2 @ 8:20 am
"Everyday at work is a new Experience...
One day I Experience an headache, Another day I Experience a neck ache!!!"
--Vikramkural Paa 1 Maa 9 |
Thursday, August 25, 2005 |
Thirumanam... @
By Whoosh 2 @ 9:49 am
Interviewer: Ungaludhu Love marriage aa, illai arranged marriage aa?? Couple: Engaludhu Love cum arranged marriage.. **giggle**
So, how many of us have heard this dialogue.. "Engaludhu love cum arranged marriage".. Trust me, I have never understood the logic behind this statement. Last week I went to Tirupathi to attend a friend's wedding. His was an arranged marriage, alright... But there I met one of his friends who, I heard, was going to get married soon..
Vikkki: Orey, Neeku pelli anaaru.. Eppudu ra? ( I heard you are getting married, when is it?) Friend:November-lo ra.. Vikkki: Okay Cheppu.. Needhi love marriage aa ledhante arranged marriage aa? (Arranged or Love marriage???) Friend: Naadhi Love cum arranged marriage ra.. (Arranged come love marriage man!!!)
Now for the love of God, what does that mean.. According to him it means where u love the girl; u tell your parents and u get married with their approval - That, apparently, is the meaning of Love cum arranged marriage.
So in that context, am I to infer that a love marriage is one where u love a girl, elope with her and get married?? Doesnt this spoil the sanctity of a love marriage???? Come on...
As far as I am concerned, Love cum Arranged marriage has a different dimension to it.. Let us say that you are in love with a female and she loves u too (female readers are kindly requested to invert the gender wherever appropriate). Now, both of u are shit-scared to tell your parents about it as you dont know what the outcome would be.. At the same time, the parents who are looking out for a proper match for their son lay their hands (by sheer coincidence) on their son's lover's photo from a kalyaana tharagar. They like the girl; they meet the gir's parents and the marriage happens... So the lovers have succeeded in their love without their parents ever knowing about it.. This for me is the best description of a "Love cum Arranged Marriage"...
And talking about Love marriages.. Well, I'd rather not talk about it.. Things are not too *good* in my part of the world with some heated exchanges happening.. So, I'll defer this for some other post... :)
Happy Marrying!
Vikkki |
Sunday, August 14, 2005 |
I like things to rot.. 13 is perfect! @
By Whoosh 2 @ 11:37 am
Invert the world.. The control is at A!!!
Guvf cbfg vfag sbe rirelbar. Vg jbag znxr frafr gb gubfr ernqvat vg. Vg vf zber n crefbany qvnel cntr. Gungf jul vg vf va ebg13. Vg vf whfg nog zr naq zl sevraqf!
V xabj vg vf n jrrx fvapr Sevraqfuvc qnl raqrq. V xvaqn srry vg fvyyl gb tvir n frcrengr qnl gb pryroengr sevraqfuvc. Gung vf gur ernfba V qvqag chg hc nalguvat nog vg ynfg jrrx..
Ohg gb xrrc hc jvgu gur gurzr bs gur zbagu, V sryg yvxr qrqvpngvat n oybt gb zl sevraqf jub zrna n ybg gb zr.. N gevohgr gb zl sevraqf bs gur cnfg jub V unir ab pbagnpg jvgu abj-n-qnlf naq gb pybfr sevraqf jub zrna gur jbeyq gb zr...
Zf A. Gunaxf qn. Ubarfgyl, gurer vf nofbyhgryl ab bar yvxr h.. Vg unf orra terng xabjvat h naq vg vf whfg ybiryl gb xabj gung h ner gurer sbe zr -nyjnlf!
Funewrry - Qhqr. V xabj h cebonoyl jbag rira or ernqvat guvf.. Vg unf orra 15 lrnef fvapr jr ynfg zrg. V xabj jr fcyvg orpnhfr bs n fvyyl srhq naq V ernyvmr vg jnf zl zvfgnxr. V nz fbeel zna. Ubcr jr zrrg fbzrqnl.
Xniva - Pybfr sevraqf, Ovggre rarzvrf.. V qbag xabj jung jr jrer.. ununu! Jr jrer snzvyl sevraqf naq fgvyy jr unq n svtugvat obhg va pynff 7. Jr jrer obgu xnengr fghqragf naq vg jnf whfg terng gb or jvgu uvz..
Ivabgu - Uvtu fpubby ohqqvrf.. Jr qvq bhe fgq 10 cercrengvba gbtrgure.. Ybfg gbhpu nsgre fgq 10. Zrg uvz ynfg zbagu nsgre n tnc bs 8 lrnef.. H ner bar te8 thl ohqql!
Zl fgq 10 tnat (va ab cnegvphyne beqre): Unevfu, Cenqrrc, Neivaq, Qrrcnx, Cenfnaan, Znavxnaqna, Ivirx, Neha Cenfnq, Neha Xhzne, Ivwnl, Nanaq, Tnan, Enzrfu, Qnavry, Ivwnl Ivtarfu, Z Cenfnaan.. (Fbeel Vs v zvffrq fbzrbar).. Thlf, lbh jrer zl svefg sevraqf.. Zl fpubby zngrf. Vs V nz jungrire V nz, H thlf cynlrq n terng cneg va vg.. Gunax h qn!
Z Neguv - V unirag fcbxra n jbeq gb ure va gur cnfg 14 lrnef. V unir ab vqrn jurer fur vf gbb.. Ohg jr qvq fcraq 1 jubyr lrne fvggvat arkg gb rnpu bgure naq gunaxf gb ure V npghnyyl fgnegrq fcrnxvat jvgu n Ouenzva fynat.. Naq lrnu.. gunaxf sbe grnpuvat zr uvaqv :)
Ouninav - Guvf vf shaal.. Nf ybat nf jr jrer va fpubby, jr jrer bayl unv-olr fbegf bs crbcyr. Ohg nsgre fpubby, qbag xabj ubj, jr orpnzr dhvgr pybfr.. Bar bs gur zber fghqvbhf bs zl sevraqf.. Gunaxf sbe nyy gur "grpuavpny fhccbeg" h tnir zr qn :Q.. Nyy gur orfg jvgu he pnerre va gur HFN!
Znaln naq Nov - Gur orfg bs sevraqf, gurfr gjb.. Unf orra terng univat gurfr gjb jbaqreshy jbaqreshy crbcyr nf zl sevraqf... Gunaxf thlf!
Trrgun - Zl fcrpvny sevraq.. Whfg 3 jbeqf.. V guvax vg fhzf vg hc..
Fhooh - Jr whfg fghqvrq bar lrne gbtrgure va gur svefg lrne bs Pbyyrtr.. Naq gb orpbzr pybfr ohqqvrf vf ernyyl fbzrguvat gb jbj nobhg.. Gunaxf Fhooh
Gur Bz Oblf - V jbhyq fcbvy gur fcvevg bs orvat na "Bz" vs V zragvbarq gur anzrf bs gurfr thlf frcrengryl nf gung vgfrys jbhyq ivbyngr jung jr, gur bz oblf, fgnaq sbe. Gur terngrfg tebhc bs sevraqf bar pbhyq nfx sbe...
Fvin naq Cbbeavzn - Gurfr gjb crbcyr znqr gur dhvpxrfg vzcnpg ba zr.. V unq xabja Fvin nyy zl yvsr.. Ohg jr ernyyl tbg pybfr bayl n srj lrnef onpx.. Fur vf abj zneevrq naq vf yrnqvat n avpr yvsr.. Cbbeavzn jnf vagebqhprq gb zr ol Fvin. Jung n tvey fur vf... gur zbfg bhgtbvat naq punevfzngvp tvey v unir rire frra.. Nyy gur orfg jvgu he yvsr Cbbeav..
Gulnth, Enawvgu naq Ivtarfu - N fznyy tebhc va fgq 12. Jbhyq ybir gb zrrg gurfr te8 sevraqf bs zvar fbzrgvzr fbba...
V xabj gung rnpu bs bhe sevraqf ner vzcbegnag gb hf va gurve bja fcrpvny jnlf naq V unir na rdhny nqzvengvba sbe nyy gurz.. Gurfr crbcyr, V fcrpvnyyl zragvba, nf gurl unir fbzrubj, V srry, znqr zr jung V nz gbqnl...
Te8 gb xabj nyy bs h thlf,Ubcr jr pbagvahr gb or sevraqf sbe lrnef gb pbzr.. Gbhpujbbq.
Ivxxxv |
Friday, August 12, 2005 |
V @
By Whoosh 2 @ 10:08 am
You know, I like the names Vivek, Vinodh, Vinodhini, Vishnu, Walter, Zenefir a lot.. U know why? These people know how I feel.. Are u a Anand? Are u a Sachin? Are u a Deepak? Kill u.. U have no idea what we went through... what we are going through..
Cant make out what I am talking abt? My name.. Thats what I am talking abt. Let me tell u one thing first. I love my name. It is the best name in the world. You know why? Cauz this is MY name, this is MY blog and that is how things are here! If u have any issues with it, out of here immediately!!!
Who was the first man who said that " I declare that the letter V shall be the 22nd letter of the alphabet." Let me get my hands on that fellow and he is dead I tell you. (The fact that he is already dead for sure improves my resolve :D). I almost always end up being at the end of the attendance list. I got to spend my entire year at IIIT sitting in the last row... I almost always end up being called "Hey u in the last row" by the teachers who didnt know my name .. I must take this chance to thank Vivekanand immensely. This fellow was my classmate right from class 1 to class 10. In class 11 and 12, I had VikramPaul. Now the very presence of these two fellows made sure that I was never the lagger in class.. I WAS NEVER THE LAST GUY!!! Muhahahhaha... But I was almost always in that delta..... and that sucked..
Why the hell cant the alphabet be, V W X Y Z A B C D E F G....?? who stops us from doing that? I mean WHO?? The Queen of England? The Prince of Wales?? George Bush??? I'll go and talk to whomever it takes.. I'll get V to the top of the alphabet. THIS is my new year resolution!!!!! Oh, Its August already? Who the hell is it who said that I cant start a new year in August??? Hell, today is new years day for me.. try and stop me.. Muhahahah!!!!
(I had a lot of work in office today.. Sorry)
Vikkki |
Friday, August 05, 2005 |
Kan moodi thirakkumbodhu…. @
By Whoosh 2 @ 11:53 pm
Vikkki. Aged 23. Head Trauma and multiple fractures in the ribs. Chances of Survival: Nil...
It is 1 am. The Nokia rings. The ring-tone echoes in the silent room. The only occupant of the room is woken to the tune of the latest hit song... “Kannum Kannum Nokia….” It was her favorite song and he had it as his ring tone. He picks up the phone. The voice that he hears on the other side is a familiar one.. But the tone isn’t.. She is in trouble... She is in danger.. His girl is in trouble... My Shreya is in trouble... I - am Vikkki...
"Vikkki, Vikkki.. This is me.. " "What’s going on.. What’s wrong?” "These guys.. they are ... they are.... ..... .." "Hello... Hello... Hello.. Damn!!!" *click*
I had no idea what was going on.. One thing I knew was that she was in need of help and I had to help her somehow.. - and soon.. But how?? …
Shreya and I met some 5 years back when I was in college. She was two years my junior. Not a day passed without us spending at least half-an-hour with each other… Things have changed… Distance matters…’The world is a global village’, they say!… 300 kms seemed too far for me… She was determined to make it work.. I was determined to make it work.. I relocated back to Chennai from Bangalore. She had a job at a call-center.. I transferred my job to Chennai... Work was hectic for the both of us… Our daily meets came down to a meet a week… It further came down to once a month… Sometimes I wondered if the shift to Chennai was worth it.. I used to meet her once a month anyways… We were to meet that weekend.. Just 4 more days.. The thought lingered in my mind.. I always enjoyed meeting her.. It was no different now.. I slept at 10, counting down the remaining four days to the meet.. At 1am, my phone rang!!!
At times of fear, your actions are uncontrollable.. This was one such moment for me.. My legs froze.. My hands didn’t move.. My brain drew a blank.. I had no clue what to do.. I checked the number on the mobile.. It wasn’t her phone.. She had called from a landline.. The number started with 2621----… That was Annanagar.. Close.. But how close am I to finding her???
My Nokia rang again.. It was the same number..
“Shreya, engai irukkei?” “Vikkki, Siddarth…. His House…. He is….” “Whats going on..” “Come soon Vikkki…”
Siddarth – He was my classmate in college.. He was one of the few people who knew about Shreya and me.. He was more Shreya’s friend than mine.. I never liked him too much – so much that I didn’t bother having contact with him after my college days. Siddarth stayed in Annanagar.. I knew his house quite well.. We used to go there a few times during our college days.. It was a couple of kilometers from my house…
Rains were lashing the city of Chennai in June – surprisingly. I ran to the car and started it up.. I had to reach Siddarth’s place soon.. What I could do there was a different question.. I knew Sherya was in trouble – it was evident from her voice.. But what the problem was, I didn’t know… I could only assume the worst. I tried calling the number again, but no one picked up..
The speedometer clocked 100 kmph on the 2nd Avenue road. I had just crossed 11th Main road… Blue Star… 9th Main Road… 8th Main Road… Round Tana… Out of nowhere a bus reached the junction from my right. He was at top speed too… I spotted him a bit too late.. He couldn’t have seen me coming from his angle.. I swerved to the right to avoid him.. He breaked to avoid hitting me.. I smashed the car into the side of the bus.. It was a head on collision for me.. I collapsed at that instant…
10 minutes later, ambulance sirens were heard all over the round tana junction. A man, aged between 20 and 25 was carried into the ambulance on the stretcher.. He had lots of blood loss.. Some said that he could be in a coma.. The ambulance rushed to the SMF Hospital.. The doctors checked him… The ICU was buzzing with activity that night.. The police had managed to contact some people, thanks to the man’s mobile phone. They had also called the number that the person had last dialed – not longer than half-an-hour ago. A girl and a guy arrived at the hospital in no time.. They introduced themselves as Shreya and Siddarth. Shreya identified the man in the ICU as Vikkki. The doctors said that he had suffered a head trauma and had many broken ribs.. The chances of Vikkki surviving were nil… That morning at 4, Vikkki passed away..
Much later, Shreya and Siddarth returned to Siddarth’s place.. The decorations were still in place.. The coke and the pepsi were still there on the table. The cake was now a waste… They ditched it into the dust-bin. “Happy Birthday, Vikkki”- it read.. The date – June 28, 2005.
It was Shreya’s idea of a surprise birthday party. Siddarth and Shreya had planned an elaborate prank to trick me.. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there to enjoy the party.. God knows where I am….
Vikkki. |
Monday, August 01, 2005 |
Vikram Kural 1.8... @
By Whoosh 2 @ 7:09 am
Vaazhkaiyin Thathuvam!
"Aim for the sky.. You will atleast reach the tree top... Aim for Aishwarya Rai... You life will become a full stop!!!"
-Vikram Kural Paa 1 Maa 8 |
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