Saturday, November 26, 2005
Manam Virumbudhei Unnai... @
By Whoosh 2 @ 11:13 pm      12 Comments
Siddarth got out of the Metro. The latest introduction into Chennai's landscape, the metro had gained the attention of all, and Shreya was not to be left out. She had fun travelling in the metro. Siddarth was always there with her - arm in arm, they would ride the metro all night long till she said that she had had enough. Siddarth was always there for her. He knew the pain she was going through after the love of her life split up with her. Vikkki had to move on to greener pastures to further his career. She still loved him. He still loved her. Siddarth wished Shreya would come out of the haze which was Vikkki and see the true person who Siddarth was - but he knew that would take time. And he would wait.

Vikkki and Shreya would talk every night. Google talk was a God send in many ways. She would always cry her heart out and he would sit there comforting her. But they knew one thing for sure - Distance mattered.

Time passed. Vikkki was as successful as he always wanted to be. But there was still something missing in his life. The lonely rose near his window grill was all that remained of their life together. He wanted it back. He knew that she was the missing link of his circle. The number of times they spoke in the last two years had come down considerably. He would always blame it on his workload, but deep within he knew that it was his guilt that kept him away from her. He hoped she would move on. He wished she wouldnt. Now he had made his mind up. He knew what would make him happy. More importantly, he knew what would make her happy. He sent her an email letting her know that he was coming. He took the next flight to Chennai...

The flight was un-eventful, except for the pretty airhostess who resembled Shreya in more ways than one. He smiled to himself. He was planning on his entrance at Shreya's place - contemplating whether to hug her or to kiss her. He decided to let her make the move. This was the day he was waiting for in a long time..

Shreya was watching the news on BBC world, when a flash report came in. American Airlines 540 had crashed into the Atlantic Ocean after losing contact with the tower. At first, that news seemed insignificant for her - but that was when realization struck her. He was on that flight. She shivered. She cried. She was speechless. This was not how she had planned the day to be.

An hour later the doorbell rang. Vikkki could hear crying noises behind the door. It opened. The first image that struck him was that of Shreya crying holding the picture of Siddarth in her hand.

Siddarth was on American Airlines 540, flying to Chennai to celebrate Shreya and Siddarth's first wedding anniversary - Vikkki later learned.


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