Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Mission... @
By Whoosh 2 @ 10:02 am      4 Comments
(I havent proof read this post.. felt lazy to do it.. Incase u see any grammar/spelling errors... kindly adjust maadi!!!)

The clock face showed 6. He was short of time. With just 5 hours in hand and a world of work to do, the mission seemed in jeopardy. But it was not like him to give up.. He was a champion.. He was a warrior..

Two suitcases lay open on the floor; weapons yet to be loaded... Usually, it would have been a five minute job.. This was different.. The weapons were biological *.. Samples collected from places as varied as Chennai, Tirupathi, Tirunelveli, Kutraalam, Papanasam and Bangalore were in it.. Needless to say, the weapons needed to be handled carefully.. Any human coming in close proximity to it wouldnt wake up for days together *.. The suitcases were now loaded with its content for the night... At that time, the sound of two clouds shaking hands filled the chamber.. Looking out, he could see lightning brighten up the dark 7pm sky... Thunderstorms were predicted for that night.. but he didnt know.. he didnt care...

He proceeded to the main entrance.. Suitcases in both his hands and a laptop bag slung around his shoulder.. He looked determined.. This was it.. It was time for duty..

A tall, young guy piloting a three wheeled vehicle arrived at the scene.. Words were exchanged between the two.. A deal was struck.. The cargo was loaded into the three wheeled vehicle and he got in.. In less than ten minutes, he was at Site no 1... As he got down from the vehicle, it started to rain.. He needed to be at Site 2 in less than 1 hour.. He needed transport.. Site 2 - A place 25 kms away, was a tough place to get to on a normal day.. This was at 9:30 in the night and on a rainy day... He needed transport and he needed it now..

He looked at the line of buses ready to move at 10pm.. Those were his only option now.. The destination boards had all the places of Bangalore listed on it.. But Site 2 wasnt on any of them.. He searched.. He moved up and down looking for the "transporter" - but to no avail.. Rain was lashing hard on him and with every passing second the moisture content in his clothing was increasing... But it hardly mattered.. There were more important things to do... That was when he saw it.. The bus had just arrived.. "Site No 2" was boldly marked on the travel chart.. He allowed himself a rare smile.. He marched on and loaded his cargo into the bus.. The passengers were amazed to see him.. They had seen nothing like it before.. Totally drenched, he needed a change of clothing.. In two minutes he was as dry as the Sahara.. He gave a call for the vehicle to move.. It did.. He was on his way to Site 2...

The rains were still lashing when he reached site 2.. He unloaded.. The final destination was just a little ahead.. It was the home stretch.. With no umbrella or jerkins he got wet all over again.. But never the less, it was all worth it.. He stood in the rain for 10 minutes.. He looked to the left.. Then to the right.. This was the moment of truth.. And then he saw it.. The vehicle drew closer to him.. It had three letters etched into it.. The three letters that he had been longing to see from 6pm that night.. The three letters - K..P..N . The Volvo had arrived.. The journey to Chennai was now definitely on... ( 5 days holidays!! :) )


* Biological weapons -- My clothes..
* Wouldnt wake up for days together -- It was smelling!!!
* Three wheeled vehicle -- No prizes for guessing...

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