If there is one orgainzation that never ceases to amaze me, it is Google. Larry Paige and Sergey Brin have done to the internet world what Alexander Graham Bell did to the telecom industry. They made things easy.
Starting from absolutely nothing around 8 years back as a research project, Google has come a long way. My interest in Google started sometime during may this year. I had absolutely nothing to do during the summer, barring my summer project (where i did absolutely nothing again), and hence i started to hunt for something new to pick up on. That is when i stumbled on the original Google paper. Man, it was amazing reading the contents of it. Those guys have brains!!!
You can be forgiven for thinking that it is "just a search engine". Like come on, it just does a match with text and displays the result. Really? Is that all that it does. Ofcourse not. If that is the case, then all the search engines from Yahoo, Microsoft, Inktomi, Vivisimo.... everyone of them , should be returning the same results. But they dont. Considerable amount of innovation goes on behind this. I would recommend the reader to go through the article that can be found at http://www-db.stanford.edu/~backrub/google.html. This would help the reader appreciate the complexity behind creating a search engine like Google. And after all that, we still get the results in the famous 0.18 of a second. Isnt that something!!!
And just when u think that Google has done it all, u are in for another treat. Some of the new products that are constantly coming out of the Google shelf are just great. Take a look for yourself. Google SMS (http://sms.google.com), Google Desktop Search (http://desktop.google.com), Google Local (http://local.google.com), Google Froogle (http://froogle.google.com), Google News (http://news.google.com) and the latest addition, Google Scholar(http://scholar.google.com). For more of the upcoming "gifts" of Google, checkout http://labs.google.com.
Long live Google.. :)